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Official Website of The Nine Book Series


Divine Embodiment

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                   written by

The Spirit Collective

channeled through

Katherine D. Caulfield

Katherine'S     story

Katherine D. Caulfield has been on a serious spiritual path for seven years, and has experienced a series of initiations designed to accelerate her divine unfoldment for the last four. She is Reiki-certified and considers herself a universal healer of imbalance and disease. Katherine has been dancing for over twenty years, and has developed a holistic understanding of the body-mind-spirit-soul connection, as well as an interest in natural alternative remedies. She is also autodidactic, with a heavy focus on astrology, cosmology and mythology.


One of her deepest desires is to see both the planet and cosmos thrive in a way that honors all and holds space for growth, respect and unconditional love to flourish. She aspires to become a clear channel of Source energy and to develop her own potential to its fullest, while helping others achieve theirs.


Katherine currently resides in Newtown, Connecticut, and is forever grateful for all of the incredible people in her life who have supported, loved and guided her on her journey.


The Pace of Change


The Art of
Alchemical Astrology

Divine Embodiment

Coming Soon
Coming Soon
My Books

Quantum Freedom

Dive into 360 degrees of magic with Sacred Sabian, a website dedicated to reclaiming that which is divine, holy and sacred in every day life. Here you will find a variety of services offered by Katherine: astrological readings, profound healings, invigorating workshops, and a soul-stirring blog. Katherine's focus here is on healing, growth and maximizing personal potential through the gifts of the stars: astrology & cosmology.

The Quantum Freedom Workshops are based off of the Quantum Freedom Book Series. The purpose is to tap fully into our Divine Potential which knows no limits or boundaries. Every week is different. We explore everything from balancing the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies to communication with the divine, to sustainable forms of energetic flow within our physical vessels, to relationships and sexuality. Visit for more info.

The Spirit Collective truly hits a home run with their timeless wisdom and enlivening, evolutionary energy that radiates off the pages of this book.
We are happy to include some excerpts from the first book of the Quantum Freedom Series,
Divine Embodiment.

"Light is the root of spirit. It is pure essence, pure divine energy, pure LOVE. It is beyond individual, conditional love that you may have for those around you. It is the very natural love that exists as the fabric that weaves all life together, the caring compassion beings can have for each other, the mother for her child, the husband for his wife, the dog for its owner. This unlimited, infinite and never-ending source of Love is within each of you now, and is always on tap."

"A particular vibratory quality of peace will infuse each moment of your life, and your every movement will become sacred unto itself. There is a respectable way about you and life will become rhythmic, moving to the steady pulse of your inner life source..."

"As long as the totality of one's being is truly and completely and fully here now, one can know God in all of its microcosmic and macrocosmic ways. Infinity opens up in the present moment when one can fully be with what is without trying to change or direct the flow in any way. The longer one can stay present for any length of time, totally surrendered to the moment, the more space opens up and the easier the flow can travel to where it naturally wants to go."

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